Auto Transport Broker Contract Template Pack

Auto Transport Broker Contract Templates $297 $97: Because paperwork is thrilling and nothing says "living the dream" like standardized paperwork.

What you get:

  1. Broker Carrier Contract: You, the hauler, and a bunch of legal jargon. But so necessary.
  2. Broker Shipper Contract: Customer relations, now with more fine print. Your customers have restrictions too.
  3. Carrier Pre-Screen Checklist: Like a boring treasure hunt for DOT numbers. Check off everything you need to collect from carriers. Don't get caught with your pants stuck on a door handle.
  4. Insurance Request Form: Prove you're a responsible adult and get updates on your client claims. Legally.
  5. "In the Event of a Claim" Document: Consider this a lovely bedtime story about what your client needs to do if something does happen.
  6. Cancellation Policy Template: Because sometimes dreams of shipping cars get crushed. At least now you'll have a policy for it.
  7. Refund Policy Template: For when you need to explain why you're keeping their money. It's not personal, it's kinda just business. Or maybe you give it all back x2.


True story: These templates saved one of my clients from a $25,000 bill. If these shabby contracts can do that, they might help you too. Maybe.

Warning: I employ the absolutely no money-back guarantee! Because once you read 'em, they're stuck in your brain forever.

However, I'm not THAT heartless... I do offer a once in a lifetime, one-time courtesy exchange. That means you can trade in your current offer for something of equal or lesser value. No refunds on the difference, though. Used your once in a lifetime courtesy exchange? Too bad, so sad - that's it!

Order now and hey, you'll be prepared.




⚠️ WARNING #2: Unexpected awesomeness ahead! This product may contain traces of hidden bonuses and surprises. Side effects may include random bursts of excitement, spontaneous happy dances, and the urge to high-five yourself. Proceed with caution... or don't. 

$97.00 USD


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