Size Doesn't Matter-

I help you thrive as a small auto transport broker.

Hey Friend,

Almost every year I get asked by at least one large brokerage to help train their sales teams and I turn it down.

The reason?

I believe in the small auto transport broker.

My sole mission as a consultant is to help people like YOU earn big bucks with every move so that you thrive even as a small broker.

I receive too many emails from people who got their freight broker license but haven't made a single dollar.


People like you who have no clue where to begin or how to get going. 

You probably won’t believe me when I tell you this...

But I felt the same way when I was building my auto transport broker business.

It can be hard to be successful in this industry if you don't know what you're doing.

Not knowing how to answer simple questions from clients like:


  • what happens after I give you a deposit?
  • why are you collecting a deposit upfront?
  • how long will the move take?
  • why are you charging so much?
  • can you guarantee nothing will happen to my vehicle?
  • why should I choose you over all the other brokers?
  • Or a fan favorite: the carrier damaged my vehicle and won't pay, so you better pay me or else! (This can be avoided with a iron clad contract and gap insurance)



Or being able to answer questions in your business like...


  • Where do you find carriers?
  • How do you price a move fast and accurately?
  • Should you buy leads? (hint: you don’t have to buy leads. There’s a different, faster and a more fun way to find clients.)
  • How do you fill out the OP-1 Application so you don't get denied and lose the $300 application fee?
  • How do you handle price objections when they say you're too high? (Despite popular advice, you don't need to slash your prices. In fact, that advice is detrimental to your sanity, your clients, and your bottom line.)
  • How do you turn one client into many clients?
  • How do you book a load from start to finish?
  • How do you get your hands on an iron clad contract that prevents clients from suing you? (And what to put, where.)
  • Why the car you posted on the board hasn't moved yet and is it time to start pooping your pants over it?
  • Or the dreaded question: what do you say to a lead when they ask how long you've been doing this? ( Spoiler Alert: the way you've been told to answer this is a quick way to lose a potential client.)




If you're scratching your head at some of these questions, odds are you’re exactly like most newbie brokers I come across.

Without guidance or a hefty bank account for trial and error, you can ooze money out every hole in your business. If you haven't already.

Or worse... give up before you begin because you believe that a SMALL broker can't make it out here in this dog eat dog world.



Small in size, big in payouts.


You don't have to have a large marketing budget or a huge sales team. A step by step system designed with the small broker in mind, could be the missing piece to your puzzle! 

You just have to give your self a chance to succeed .

Because you’ve read this far, I'm guessing right now, you need a proven system you can lean on more than anything.



I created the ReloAcademy Experience to stack the odds in your favor.

To give you a leg up and a stool to stand on against the BIG dogs in the industry.

And I'm proud to say it's the first and only auto transport broker program of its kind specifically designed for the SMALL AUTO TRANSPORT BROKER.


Making small brokers great again.


With this program, you'll answer all those questions and more - with confidence and swagger. If that’s your thing.

Reloacademy is setting the bar. It remains the go to training for new and experienced auto transport brokers. The SMALL broker who’s ready and willing to put in the work necessary to see results.

No other auto freight broker program comes close!

For one, The ReloAcademy Experience is a user generated program shaped by you, for you.

But what does this mean?

Your questions and feedback builds on this program. In addition, you’ll benefit from my experience as a car hauler and a broker, giving you a complete 35,000 ft view.

The Reloacademy Experience answers YOUR questions.

When you join Reloacademy, you’re not buying another course.


You’re investing in a proven system to rake in BIG PROFITS as a small broker!


You’re getting access to knowledge accumulated from over a decade of experience in the industry.

More importantly, when you invest in the Reloacademy Experience, you’ll learn how to build a brand not just a run of the mill business. Turning you into a market leader that dominates and gets referred time and time again. Even if you're SMALL.

The truth is, relying on leads keeps you at the mercy of the lead provider.

And that isn't fun!


Generating high quality clients, gives YOU the power.


It puts the ball in YOUR court.

And it's a heck of a lot more fun and easy when you do that. And it gives you the edge you need as a thriving small broker.



ReloAcademy guides you through starting and running a brokering business from ground zero. In a NO BS, NO FLUFF, easy to follow manner.

ReloAcademy gives you the tools you need to succeed. It's up to you to use them!

You get instant access to pre recorded training modules, so you learn what you need, when you need it.

With a mobile app that allows you instant access at your fingertips, you can FAST TRACK your results.

But the question isn’t whether this program can help you.

The question becomes, will you take the help you’re offered?

Will you commit to learning what you need so you can be the favorite? Or will you continue down the path you’re on, betting on the long shot?

You’ve come this far, so I guess you’re no long shot.

That’s why my friend, I’m going all in and I’m betting on you.

All you gotta do is show up, put in the work and never give up!

Because this program works if you do.

No I won’t run your business for you. And no, unlike other courses, I won't guarantee that if you take this program, you'll go on to make a 7 figures a year.

But what I can promise, is that I will give you all the necessary knowledge to get it done and get it done right. The first time.



SMALL is the new big.


Because life's too short to build a business you don't love...

Life's too short to postpone your dreams of becoming a well paid auto transport broker...

And life's way too short to do it through trial and error!

Are you ready to stop kicking the tires and start making progress?

Are you ready to be in a better position in six months than you are right now?



Sometimes, you just need to see it in black and white đź“° .


At this point you’ve read the reviews, watched the behind the scenes video… Now you want it sketched in black and white to make it official.  

We both know that this course is your chance to avoid costly mistakes and start seeing real results.


You also know that with my course, you’ll gain the knowledge and confidence to dominate YOUR market, even as a small auto transport broker.

But here he, here he! I’ve itemized and signed the details in digital blood just for you…


Here's What You Get When You Buy This Course:


✔️ GUARANTEED Access to course materials for 1 year from date of purchase.    

✔️ You have to specialize if you want to capture your own leads online. You can't just target auto transport. You won't make it. Don't know which area of specialization to choose? Use this list as your guide.

✔️ Coming up with a unique business name is hard. Use this cheat sheet to choose a name that is unique and catchy

✔️ Standing out from the crowd is important. Use these tagline ideas to differentiate your business and grab attention

✔️ Being on social media isn't about just pushing your business. Use this cheat sheet to know what to post so you can engage your followers

✔️ Know exactly what your client needs by asking these proven questions during your sales call

✔️ Copy and paste email templates that are designed to keep you top of mind with potential clients without seeming salesy or sleazy

✔️ The questions your clients will ask along with answers you can use so you don't look like a newbie

✔️ Blogging is key to generating your own leads. these topic ideas will give you a foundation on what to write about



✔️ Want to know how to ship cars overseas? This is your guide.

✔️ Get access to 3 calling scripts you can use.

✔️ How you close your emails is important. This cheat sheet gives you copy and paste ideas.

✔️ Use these for repeat clients and raving reviews.

✔️ You can offer gap insurance as a way to protect your clients and make more money. This audio lesson will show you how.

✔️ Learn timeless and malleable strategies on how to close more deals than your competitors.

✔️ Use this super simple pricing hack to help your cars move faster than other vehicles on the load board (works even on competitive routes).

✔️ You will hear that you're priced higher than other brokers. But with this lesson, you'll learn what to say that gets them to choose you.

✔️ No need to struggle with converting leads. I will show you how to leverage your experience and how to sell people on your $300 + service fee. It's easier than you think.


✔️ The good, the bad and the super ugly truth. We shed light on: How I got dealerships to come to me bringing in over $5k per week in profit. How brokers can make almost a half a million dollars every single year doing dealer moves. Why do most brokers fail at them before they even begin? I’m confident you’re going to make the same mistake if you jump into these moves without doing the other steps. But more importantly you’re going to learn how you can set yourself up for success. Step by step how to make that happen. PLUS you'll get the interactive checklist to keep you on track. 


You get everything above and so much more.




These alone would cost you $10,800 a la carte.



Life's Too Short to Struggle and Second Guess Your Decision.


For a one-time investment of $497, you gain access to all the training, templates, and resources you need to succeed.


There are no recurring charges or hidden fees. You do have the choice to renew another year if you want to but it's not required.

This investment in yourself and your business could be the turning point you’ve been waiting for.

Or a legal excuse to claim yet another expense on your taxes…

With this course, you’ll learn how to build a business you love, what steps you need to take to achieve your dream of working from anywhere, time freedom with your family and Wolf of Wallstreet level sales skills!

Plus my goal is that you’ll also enjoy the journey.

There’s only one thing guaranteed in life… well two: death and taxes.

Time doesn’t wait for you even if you just need to think about it for a nano second more…

 This is your permission slip to do it!



BUY NOW $497

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No worries, I got you...

Read what others have had to say.
*If on a mobile device, pinch to zoom in and read reviews from current / past students*


Frequently Asked Questions